History of Greater Mount Lily Missionary Baptist Church
On April 28th, 1957, the LORD God blessed a few committed Believers in Jesus Christ to organize a Church (Fellowship) and the name placed on the Church was the Mount Lily Baptist Church. In May of 1957, Elder Isaac Wright was sent by the LORD God to lead this “Called Out Body of Believers.” Elder Wright served as the First Pastor of the Flock. During his pastorate the first deacons were consecrated and on October 5th, 1958, the first Corporate Worship Service was held in the “A” Street location.
In 1960
Elder Wright concluded his tenure as Pastor and various local elders assisted the Flock of God during the Corporate Worship. The Church’s first wedding ceremony was celebrated on August 6, 1960, when the Late Brother Colonel Calhoun and the Late Sister Mattie Smith were joined in holy matrimony.
In 1961
Elder Robert Smith, Sr. was sent by the LORD God to serve as the Second Pastor of the Flock. During his pastorate, the LORD God blessed the Church to experience spiritual and numeric growth. In November of 1961, the Congregation received the deed to the “A” Street property. After seven blessed years of untiring service to God, Elder Smith resigned in July of 1967.
In March of 1968
Elder Billie Joe (B.J.) Brooks, Sr. was sent by the LORD God to serve as the Third Pastor of the Flock. Pastor Brooks and his wife, Sister Lucile Brooks, were blessed by the LORD God to walk in the mandate of the Word of God. Being led by God’s Spirit, Pastor Brooks provided solid spiritual leadership throughout difficult challenges, trials, tribulations and storms. In 1970, the physical meeting location of the Congregation changed to 619 East Gadsden Street (the present location) in the Historical Old East Hill Neighborhood in the City of Pensacola, Florida. In a Church business meeting, it was suggested or motioned by the Late Sister Elouise D. Savage that the name of the Church (Fellowship) be changed to “The Greater Mount Lily Missionary Baptist Church,” thus it was done. During Pastor B.J. Brooks’, Sr. pastorate the Lord God blessed Pastor Brooks to preach and teach the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel was preached
Jesus was exalted, sinners were evangelized, and the Believers in Jesus were equipped. The “Flock of God” experienced exponential, spiritual, ministerial, financial and numeric growth. Pastor Brooks’ service went beyond the four walls of the building. The Lord God used him as a “moral compass” in Escambia County and the State of Florida. Pastor Brooks spearheaded the fight for human and civil rights for all people. He fought tirelessly for those “that were stepped on and perhaps stepped over!” He devoted his life, service, ministry, and pastorate to helping others. On February 15th, 1998, the Lord God called Pastor Brooks to eternal glory!
In September of 1998
The LORD God blessed Minister Gerald Collins to be elevated and serve as the Fourth Pastor of the Flock. God blessed Pastor Collins to teach and preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. His pastorate continued until August of 2003.
In December of 2003
The LORD God sent Elder Joaquin Marvin to serve as the Fifth Pastor of the Flock. During his pastorate a major physical storm named Hurricane Ivan did catastrophic damage to the physical properties of the Church. The sanctuary suffered the most damage and as a result the Corporate Worship of God was moved to the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Marvin’s pastorate continued until October of 2005.
On February 20th, 2007
after much prayer to the LORD God, the Flock received Elder Carl E. Reeves, who served as an Associate Minister in the Saint John Divine Missionary Baptist Church and his wife, Sister Thelma L. Reeves. Pastor Reeves was sent by the LORD God with an assignment …Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood (The Book of Acts 20:28).
Together, as the Pastor and the Fellowship of Believers in Jesus Christ, we desire to please the LORD God. Please the LORD God with our love, with our life and with our living. The LORD God has abundantly blessed us to do many great things in His Name; however, the LORD is not through with us yet. There is ministry yet to be fulfilled, lives to be impacted and history yet to be written. And we know as “the Church of the Living God,” that we cannot do anything without Him, but we can do all things through Christ which strengthen us!!!